So I was a badly good girl today who skipped the last Spanish class (FINALLY!), vacuum cleant the flat, hasn't studied at all, went out with Haku despite the ugly rain & DREW.
Drew...drew something very random, that is, a mushroom. Hahaha!! :D
Wanna see? ^^

But it's quite good, isn't it? ^^;;;;
I admit I photoshopped it a bit, I adjusted the contrast. But that's cuz I took the photo like a shit and I HAD TO do something abt it or you'd see nothing.
Practice makes perfect. Maybe one day I'll be perfect also.
I had more pics, esp of the camwhore me in my new white cap. But man, there was some prob with the pics-to-the-PC transfer & I'm lazy to restart whole the PC. Tmr, ok?
And for goodnite...
.:+Mich+:. says:
no no but wife is finding him ridiculous
.:+Mich+:. says:
he didnt manage to puss off wife yet
=<"DeFeNce...NoT DeFiAnCe...wHeRe aM I aGaIn??!+ + = says:
PUSS OFF???!!!???
Where did wife get that???? XD XD XD WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!
=<"DeFeNcE...NoT DeFiAnCe...wHeRe aM I aGaIn??!+ += says:
sounds wrong liao
(Wife is me. ^^)
That's how it looks when a typo stops by me. XD *rofl*
Listening to: "In My Memorye" by MC The Max. My hip hop & sentimental K-ballads moods are endless. :P Hip hop & K-ballads & mood in-love-with-anything-concerning-Winter-Sonata are ETERNAL. Or it seems like that at least. :P
Yay!: Drawing. 5 classes only. New great cap for just 330Skk. ^^ My Physics teacher bought my Black Holes & Warped Time book from me for 300Skk! :D So absurd, my Phy prof is buying Phy books from me...a person who is happy not to FAIL!!! XD
Grrr: The Winter Sonata OST I was downloading had only instrumental versions inside but I wanted those sung by Ryu also. So FINE. I'm downloading it all over again. >_<
1 comment:
Such a wonderPOOPful WORD!!
PUSS OFF!!!AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!Not only does it sound wrong...such a typo...WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!But still..puss off...very sexy and nice name la.... ;)
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