Isn't it simply beautiful?
The blue blue sky...turquoise line of the pool or whatever...the woman staring up as if deep in thought...gentle rays of sun shining at her curved body...the deep blue, distant sea full of silver sparkling fish & colorful corals...
Whenever I feel like I need to relax, I look at this picture...
I imagine it's myself on the picture......And I feel good. ^_______^
Nice therapy, ain't it? ^_^
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My former Taekwon-Do instructor Roman has replied to my email telling me that our club had been closed & that now he joined another TKD ITF club - Taekwon-Do Klub Bratislava - led by his friend. I was looking at the pictures (click on "galéria") & I saw all the people I knew in the former club.
Oh man, I MISS TKD!!!!!! *sniff*
After the master Pak Chol Min (팤 홀 민, am I right?) left, a new master came, called Yi Yong Sok (이 영 족???? O_o Or "Yong" is 여 only??? I'm practicing my crappy Hangul, sorry~) but I didn't get a chance to see him yet cuz my lovely Chlamydia pneumoniae which I caught somewhere decided to linger in my lungs so I got antibiotics for 1.5 months & couldn't exercise for another 1.5 months which I prolonged until....now. *sigh*
Taekwon-Doooo.....AAAAHHH...... *_*
Today me & Linda went out to the downtown cuz Linda broke up with her bf (or it looked like that) & I decided that I must cheer her up so I bought her a beads necklace & earrings.
I'm such a good friend, I'm sure you all love me. Teeheheee. ^^
His Wavy Hair-ness SMSed me today....nice to hear from him after 45785389 years. :P He's either very lucky or very intelligent cuz he passed all his exams without studying - he couldn't study cuz he was watching some anime instead! *slaps head* Lil' kid!!!! XD
Mentioning His Wavy Hair-ness....
I got to know yet another Thai! :P She's from Chanthaburi (again), 18 yrs old, her name is Thip & she's damn kool. :D We had a lil' spazzy chat yesterday where we were drooling over hot Koreans. Wahahaha. XD If Ray saw that..... #_@ XD
I'm getting to know more & more people from Chanthaburi. :P
It started with Pom 4yrs+ ago & now it's also Pong, Thip & Pui. Well & one dude called Ninews but I don't really know him, he doesn't speak good English (and I speak no Thai), I only met him at some random conversation with Thip & 3 her friends. And yes, it was all in Thai & I understood NOTHING. :P
I think it's gonna be a lot of fun when I go there on Xmas. ^__^ I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :D ^___^
On Friday I finally am gonna have that Maths exam. EWWW. I'll die but okay - nothing is eternal, I must die one day too. =_=
Hmm well, now I should go for a walk with Haku - and then I'll relax.... I'll go read LOTR III in English or watch Winter Sonata & drool happily. :P ^^
Listening to: "Percalayah" by Siti Nurhaliza
Yay!: I made Linda happier, I'm happy toooooo~~~~ ^___^
Grrr: Man, I want just catch a lil glimpse of S. Somehow I can't,that's very stupid. Ray, if you're reading this, no need for jealousy, I'm no longer crazy in love with him but I just wanna see him! Oh, and I got 2/5 from Literature test. =_= Cialat.
DON'T FORGET: Be online on Friday when His Wavy Hair-ness promised to be online as well.
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