Finally I've met up with Li Hong today!!!! ^____^
I'm so happyyyyyyyy~~~~ ^___^
She looks so damn good now, beautiful, pure and sexy - and she's great as always.
Me is a happy happy ducky to have such a friend...yay! *dances salsa* ^.^
She returned from the almighty homeland 中国 and said that everything has changed so much there....everything & everyone.
Well, c'est la vie...nothing stays the same!
I'm VERY thankful to her cuz she brought me one wallet I don't like (My standarts for wallets are now at Armani so it's hard to please me~ Haha!) AND bra straps which I totally love cuz they're beautiful and practical and I can't get them here!!!
The first bra strap pair is 100% practical cuz it's a kind of....almost invisible 1mm wide strap from some flexible material. GREAT THING! ^^ I have tonnes of tank tops and colorful bra straps shining from underneath the tank top look rather vulgar.
HA! Now I'll be neat again, thanks to Li Hong. ^^
The second bra strap pair is simply BEAUTIFUL - it's from little white wannabe pearls and even smaller transparent sparkly beads serpentining between the pearls.
I'm lovin' it!!!!!! ^________________^
You see, I'm living such a great, happy life. ^_^ *smiles like a fool* Each day is unique, beautiful in its own way and great thanks to my friends. BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL!!!!!! ^___^
And have you noticed that my life is great like this since I broke up with ex? AHEM. Yes, that's true, since then I'm actually living a life and enjoying every moment of it.
What might that mean?
1) LDRs are idiotic cuz they make you stuck by the PC like a retard.
2) LDRs are tiring and annoying. And without a future. Those who say that LDRs have future are either too naive or too unexperienced or both.
3) LDR often means no freedom. That also equals to 1) and that equals to 2) as well. Being in a LDR was like being caged - sorry to say that, but it's true.
I've learnt my lesson and it was an annoying lesson. Ugh!
Yesterday was yet another great day! ^^
I woke up at 8am and went to one place where I wanted to get the new ID but the cheebye there pissed me off and blah blah - that's not important anyways. After that I went to Tatra Banka to get another debit card and because I have the student's package TatraAcademy TB I can choose between four designs of the debit card - black, army, ethno sunflowers, white.
Guess which one I chose? ^.~
The white one of course. Heheh. ^^ It looks awful on the picture but in reality it's nice. I also saw the black card, Mato has one and that's nice as well.
After that I went to CKM to get my Euro>26 card and then eat to Govinda. Yum, I had a sedap Malaysian kiwwi juice by Jefi! :D
After that I was off to Billa and then home.
Kuci came in like two hours, I prepared breads with cheese, curly lettuce and smoked salmon and then I fried HEAVENLY GOOD pancakes with curd & cane sugar and with blueberries. Droolylicious!!! ^^
Because Mato wanted to come but couldn't, we've decided to bring him two pancakes and that boy almost died of shock seeing us in front of his house with such a gift. Hahah! :D
Oh, and then...then we went to the downtown for a nice mojito virgin and an ice-cream. I had the cookies one and Kuci had the caramel one. ^^
La Dolce Vita, mmmm???? ^_________^
Me is happy, happy, happy.
Today's evening I'm off to the downtown again, with Linda and Kuci and maybe with Ali. YAY!!!
OK la. I think I'm going to prepare myself a mint tea and slap it over poor my itchy swollen eyes. ^^
Listening to: "Father In You" by Mary J. Blige. I LOVE Mary J. Blige. So does Mato....and that remindfs me of asking him to send me her older songs.
Yay!: My life is YAY! ^^
Grrr: I'm sleep-deprived!!! @_@ Tmr I'm sleeping until noon no matter what's going on.
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