I've realized that I LOVE Kwon Sang Woo.

Those HEAVENLY FEATURES!!!! *dies*
Those LIPS!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!
I'm DYING. Mmmmm..... *___*
Oh gosh, I wish I had a boyfriend who looked (or was! HA!) like Sang Woo!!!! *___*
Listening to: "Something Stupid" by Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman
Yay!: I have a new friend! :) She's UJ's friend but now she's mine too & we're totally similar! :)
Grrr: School tmr. AAARGGH.
AND SO DAMN HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!! *melts into a glittery puddle*
Ahaha... OMG, I saw KSW at the mall last month! O___O
Haha, just kidding. :P But there's this cardboard replica of him at the mall. He advertises a cosmetics brand, The Face Shop, and they recently opened a branch at the mall (even though it's a Korean brand). I dunno what amuses me more, the Hangul writing all over the walls and make-up or seeing KSW EVERYWHERE inside the store. XD *rofl*
OMG, you should really see it. 8D
- Justine ;D
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I wiiiish I could!!!!! *___* *shiny eyes full of sparkling hearts*
KSW rulez. I love those his features! ^^
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