Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cantik Pic

Just DARE to say my eyes aren't BEAUTIFUL & MESMERIZING and I'm never gonna quack to you again!!!!! :D Yup, tha was my prom make-up. ^_^ Perfect, wasn't it? My hair was also curled (permed?) and I looked like some classical Hollywood star...Rita Hayworth or Marilyn...and in that red satin dress & those silver sparkling heels...MMMM...I fell in love with MYSELF! :D

This layout rocks ducks.

And that SEAN PAUL wasn't bad either!!!! :D
We were dancing & singing & screaming & (yes, even that) yawning and my throat still hurts & my eyes are still itchy...or actually, even more, cuz it;s 12.32am and I'm siaaaaaaan..... =_=


P.S.: Xiaxue did a nose-job? *faints* O_o Whohohooo! :D Well, I think one day I might undergo a boob job so....quack on, Xiaxue! ^^v

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