Friday, August 10, 2007
Yes, yes, I know, I've been silent for SUCH a long time. Been very busy. Kept my Slovak blog updated. Kept my social life blooming. :)
Things with me & L are going steady and even though he has his mistakes, I feel like I wouldn't change him for anybody, EVER. Yeah, he's a smoker. Yeah, he likes to drink. Yeah, he sometimes doesn't understand that as I'm leaving in 15 days for KL on the other continent, I should be his priority, not his cousin that's leaving for a city 500km away.
Everyday though, I'm finding out how much I care about him. He means SO MUCH for me! The best word describing my feelings would be CONTENTMENT. Yup, I'm really content. I feel like this is the right way; it should be this way, forever. :)
The last drop was today - I've found out that I AM UNABLE TO GET ANGRY AT HIM!!!!!
Me. Unable. To. Get. Angry. At Someone.
He has promised me to meet up with me today but he has forgotten on that goodbye party of his last we hadn't met. I was really disappointed & pissed off and I've wanted to tell him so many
"Why the fucking hell you promise something to me & then you don't fucking do it?! I can't stand that behaviour! You're such an irresponsible, egoistic asshole!"
Sigh, baby. You pathetic fool. Those were my angry thoughts flying around in my mind.
However, after I've picked up the phone.... I said: " know...I understand that family is family...but still, I don't like people promising me things & then not doing them...please, don't do that to me, I'm leaving in 15 days and I really care about being with you now..."
Hardly. :P
I'm feeling extremely vulnerable cuz my sarcastic & easily-pissed-off attitude is often my only defense. And now..I can't get pissed off....who am I? :P
Lucky lucky L, he's the only person I can't send to burning hells with my raw words. :P
Aaaaah, I'm REALLY tired. Tmr (technically, today) I'm off to meet up with him...nice. :)
Good night!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
No presence, no future, no perspective.
Let's focus on what matters, that is, keeping the friendship, working hard at LKW and living my life the best way possible.
Tmr got power yoga class at 8am.
On Wed gotta see Harry Potter 5 again, but very gladly, cuz no words could do the justice on how much I salivate at RON WEASLEY. Hahahahahaaaa! :D Rupert Grint, you sexy, cute beast! ;)
Must go to bed. Nites. :)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Those were the days when I was cracking my head above the academic issues and issues regarding my future. I'm turning the leaf to my usual Korean drama life! :P
There's this my friend from the art class, let's call him L.
He's the one that has invited me over for a coffee for a grand total of three times of which we have actually met for zero times, due to unknown reasons. :D At that time I found it rather ridiculous for him to invite me over for anything, I didn't know him that well and I didn't feel like guys should interest me at all, after the pleasant break up with R.
Time went by and we've became a really good friends, recently we've been together at a club, before that at a bar with his friends (I've been laughing for 1.5 hours straight; those guys were the funniest & freakiest lot I've met in a loooong long time) and then he has left for an awesome road trip around Europe with his friend.
We, of course, keep in touch, we text each other pretty often at what's new & how are things going and where are they and what's new with Dr. House.. :D :D :D Ah yes, he watches it too! :D
I sense that still kind of likes me *that* way...I assume that he has liked me *that* way even before, hence the still; people don't invite other people over for a coffee just because, do they? :P
And NOW!!!! I think I also do! And FUCK IT!!!! I'm leaving in SIX WEEKS, okay?!
There are things that are pro doing anything significant around this issue:
- I can hardly meet another dude with THAT of a lovely character & THAT of a freaky sense of humour
- I live just ONCE! Grab the chance, bitch!
- Six weeks is quite a lot, isn't it? Who knows, maybe we could last for three days. Live at presence, babe.
- I can hardly meet another dude with THAT of an addiction to cigs and apparently, to alcohol as well. Very gross. Cannot tahan.
- I'm leaving in SIX WEEKS. 10 000km away. Wake up. WTD.
- Maybe he is totally phlegmatic about me & I'm just seeing things, thus, doing anything would inevitably mean a total embarrassment. Not that I'm not used to embarrassing myself, but still!!!
- Even if he liked me & we would hypothetically get together, I'd leave and then I'd be yet in ANOTHER long-distance relationship, now in the exactly opposite way as before (me in SK, bf in MY), now it'd be me in MY, bf in SK! Who wants THAT?!?! 12 hours long flight is a 12 hours long flight. WTP.
Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna elaborate on this any longer, it's too much of a Korean drama for my three brain cells. @_@ He's coming back from his road trip sooner or later and then will, hopefully, things clear out. Wahlau.
Good luck to me & good luck to hubooby with a similar problem! B-)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I don't know what's wrong with Asian celebs & their hairdos.

Why do they HAVE TO perm & bleach their hair like there's no tomorrow??? O_O It looks good ok, they look cute, but for example BYJ looks like a paedophilic gay or like a Ken or like a wax statue with such a hairstyle. EEEHHH!!! @_@
Cannot tahan.
Tell them someone something finally!!!!!
I'm feeling like I'm living in a fake world where everything is unreal, all people are false assholes & I'm one of them.
Probably I *really* am a poseur. I'm NOT myself in front of everyone. Sure, we all wear some 'social masks' but still....
I don't even know why has it gotten so much to me now but I've suddenly realised that I'm DUCKING TIRED of all the pretending.
You assholes. Not you, my 0.05 readers, that was meant in general to stupid people~
Why should I dress up sexily? Just so XY creatures that use dicks instead/as brains can masturbate when projecting my look?
WHO cares about any make-up? Li Hong is right, natural is the prettiest. Only I'm not sure if I'm able to stop using it, I find it quite necessary. Yeah, I know I'm contradicting myself. :P
Why should I waste money on mojitos & branded stuff? Fuckers, it's just a pose. And I was a DAMN HUGE poseur last summer. I'm tired of mojito (virgin, I drink the virgin one) and besides, it's just another drink...and EVERYONE in BA that wants to look cool, hip, stylish, rich, down-to-earth & laid-back drinks it. =_=
I'm sick of you, fuckers.
At least I'm not going with the flow (partially due to the lack of money) in terms of the apparel.
Got Lacoste?
G-Start Raw?
Guess? Cavalli?
NICE. You're DA MAN!!!! *pats back*
Maybe you remember, maybe not, how I was going with this flow last year. I've SO wanted a violet Hilfiger coat & around 50 Lacoste stuffs.....but those were the days when I had yet to understand, that I'm acting like an idiotic kid.
I'm also having second thoughts about learning tennis cuz I don't really feel like I'm that kind of a tennis person, you know? I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE badminton, but tennis seems too complicated & technically difficult to me.

Most importantly, I've never been particularly *interested* in it, only this year, I somehow persuaded myself that it's a very happening & interesting game and if I won't keep a track of what's going on in it, I'll be a loser.
Ah, sounds like just another pose. -_~
Dunno, dunno, dunno.
I'm trying to be someone I'm not & I'm not trying to be who I am.
Sounds confusing? I hope it doesn't. In times/moods like these I feel like it'd do me the best if I've just packed my toothbrush (and my eyedrops of course!) and left for some tranquil, crispy clean & beautiful place with NOBODY humanoid around where I could just chill.

I'm counting on Malaysia, btw.
New people, new place, new school, new almost everything.
I solemnly swear that I'll be ME, MYSELF & I and nobody else.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Does that "Acknowledged" in my LKW online enrolment application status thingy mean ACKNOWLEDGED as we know it in the good old English? ACCEPTED?! Or is it just my application & the payment accepted, but it's not that I'm actually accepted into the uni?!
Sheeeeesh, quack, sheeeeesh. *breathes heavily & tries not to bite nails*
I foresee sleepless nights until I get (or NOT!!!!! *bites bulus*) the Letter of Offer. O_O
Look at this:
Payment Date | 6/25/2007 |
Application/Payment Status | Acknowledged |
Application ID | *quackquack* |
Applicant Name | Michaela know my name ;) |
Application Date | 6/25/2007 |
Semester | 1 |
Intake | September 2007 |
Selected Course | Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design (3+0) [ KP/JPS (KR5166) 09/09 ] Faculty of Design Innovation Curtin University of Technology, Australia |
Am I bodoh or am I bodoh? O_o Tell me it MEANS that I'm accepted, tell me so. Even just for a one damn semester. If I'm accepted, the remaining fees will be paid in no feather time. *_*
*bites feathers anxiously & quite in disbelief*
Look at my horoscope at Facebook:
"A door in your life really needs to be closed before you can open another one. Lock it up and throw away the key! You have to, for your own sake."
OMD. This Facebook horoscopes almost always comes true. It's updated just three times a week but that kind of makes it more...believable.
The opening of the new door is clear, it's the university thing (that's making me this anxious....*this* anxious, ot's 1.46am and I'm quacking here and checking my application status).
Close a door. Hmmm, hmmm. My SK life? I can't throw it away, this is my homeland, okay...
Or, my HIGH SCHOOL life?? I could as well throw *this* away cuz I don't really miss my ex-classmates or anything but it seems too rude to me to do that.
Okay, let's say we have closed the door, whatever door it has been. Now the question is, HOW ONE THROWS AWAY THE KEYS?! That's a real mystery to me. Change my name? Tell everyone you hate them & them emmigrate from the country?
Hahaha, okay, that's too extreme. :P
But really, how one does it? Have you ever done it? O_o
Almost 2am.
I'll then hug everyone & start dancing salsa and book my airticket & kiss Haku & cry & laugh & get scared & get excited & get sad & get happy ALL IN THE SAME TIME. ^_____^
Let's PRAY.
Monday, June 25, 2007
* I don't give a QUACK about make-up anymore.
After that operation and after that one week of sleeping/breathing with closed eyes I no longer feel the insane urge to prettify myself with make-up and whateva cosmetics. Got UNused to it, I guess. Soon I'll reach Li Hong's phase when I'll wake up, wash my teeth & face and hands and comb hair and then GO. Hahahaha! But before *that* happens, I'll go and get my complexion cleant. :P
* I suffer from a severe QUACKING DIARRHOEA.
You have noticed it also, haven't you? Three quacks/day, that's like, MAD.
* I have a stronger affinity to the ultimate girly color - PINK.
How sad. I'm turning into Xiaxue!!!! T_T @_@ Nothing against her, I like reading her blog and I am in awe on how active she is & everything - she has achieved everything with her own hands with pink fake nails; however, I DUN WANNA BECOME HER!!!
When I start buying pink mobile phones & continue on by putting glitter on my pink laptop, say nothing and just KILL ME.
* Dreams & goals are being achieved.
That said, IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING, as Adidas very accurately states. I've registered for Limkokwing today. Now let's ducking PRAY & HOPE that I ducking GET IN!!!!!!!
Weird, weird, mysterious life. O_O ^_^
I just went to buy a new toothbrush. Interesting, right? I hope you're dying of interest now. *sarcastic laughter*
I also bought a nail polish remover and an Asia Spa Fa soap with CHERRY BLOSSOM. Woooooo, I'm soooooooo interesting!!!!

OMD no no no. Let's do somethong, let's not pointlessly quack. Right after my nail polish dries, I'll EAT SOME BREAKFAST (at 12.46pm, mind you), brush my teeth & take a shower, cream my bulus with sunscreen, dress up & then commute to madre's workplace where I shall APLLY TO LKW.
I'm soooo interesting & fabolous. LOVE ME! *flies away*
Like Yu Jin said in Winter Sonata: "Take one step at a time."

Speaking of hot Asians, know what happened to me yesterday?! *starts giggling stupidly*
I was at this ex-class party in the downtwn and it was held in a restaurant called The Arch. Me & my friends were sitting outside, sipping somethong (me a soda, I have antibiotics & corticosteroids prescribed) when suddenly a SUPER HOT ASIAN GUY PASSED BY.
He was the hottest thing I've seen in my entire life!!!!!!!!! *__* *salivates*
That dude was tall, with a nice body, a Se7en-ish hairstyle (only black, no weird browns), had deeeeep deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep eyes, super cute flat Asian nose (I also have such, YEAHH) and all in all, he was one sexy sexy hot thing. *fans herself*
I saw him. My friends didn't. I exclaimed breathlessly:
..and looked at him, he looked at me sexily and I've put my soda glass to the lips, sipped it and.......SPILLED IT ON MY SKIRT, CUZ I DIDN'T PUT THE GLASS EXACTLY TO MY LIPS, BUT SOME 3CM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
"Girls can't even drink properly when I'm around..", he might have thought.
Tehehehe, I'm such a silly duck. XD
Yesterday I cleant my floor (I've started to like this activity, please slap me), wiped the desk a bit and put the CDs into that CD-holding-thingy (I'm not bothered about its proper English name, sorry).
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My eyes are operated, I can see EVERYTHING; I still have problems with focusing on short distances, but otherways it's fucking AWESOME! :D
Right now I'm in PN and I've successfully decluttered my email at that I mean that I've finally deleted all the unimportant/read/silly emails, replied to few that I haven't replied to yet & so on.
Mmmmmmm. I like to have things in order, even though I might not look so. :P :D
On Monday I'm gonna enrol to LKW. I've wanted to do so last Monday but my mother forgot to scan my report card and without that I can pick my ears and sing Ricky Martin & NOT apply. @_@ But this Monday....for 100%.
Wish me luck, duckies!!!!!
I'm also feeling like I REALLY NEED A CHANGE.
Isn't it so true? :)
Here it's all the same old stuff.
Same faces, same places, same foods, same problems, same conversations, same shops....
I'm getting SICK of it, seriously. Aaargh. Cannot tahan. It's a damn good reason to go to LKW as well - everything will be different there!
I'm SICK of the people here.
I'm SICK of the Slovak "showbusiness" as well. It's just a false shit full of losers.
I'm SICK even of my friends here.
For example, Kucci, her topics include this one: "I'm so fat & dull and my life's such a boring shit" and another one: "Tennis, tennis, tennis."
The irony of it is, she can't play tennis, she's almost 70kg (and 161cm tall) and I'm afraid it's just a stupid pose. A fleeting pose, I HOPE... @_@
And then, the Hilfiger friend. Let's call him shortly H. Would you believe that his mommy & daddy will buy him an iMac even though his PC is still working AND he's not going to study neither GD nor Arch? Plus he doesn't know how to work with it. It's just so he can brag. His mommy will also buy him a bright pink Lacoste polo that looks well on big guys that have no chance of looking gay; sadly, H is blonde, thin, short and VERY gay.
And he's so fake.
And SO endlessly superficial. @_@
I feel like the people here, save for few exceptions (like DD, for example) are living fake, shallow, unreal lifes. They don't crave for anything deeper than all these materialistic goods. OH MY DUCKNESS. How can they even tahan it?!
Both H & Kucci don't sport at all. Sometimes Kucci goes to play badminton with me, but just to the National Tennis centre where the court costs 200~300Skk (depends on the time) and it's freaking hot inside. Well, but I guess that it's giving her this *feeling*. You know, it's still a National Tennis Centre. Sounds great, ar?
H is a chapter on his own.
But okay, I'll stop bitching, they can live the way the wanna, it's just annoying the hell outta me. @_@
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I'm painting and I'm having quite a block right I might as well do the meme that Justine has done:
Things You've Done
Copy, bold the things you've done and post. Here are mine:
01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said "I love you" and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse of the moon.
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Played touch football
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an "expert"
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Kissed on the first date
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one/both of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language fluently
95. Performed in Rocky Horror
96. Raised children
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Touched a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart
111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a facial part pierced other than your ears
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Touched a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey (in high school, but I don't remember it now T_T)
135. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone's life
Quite a silly meme but amazing anyways. :P
I'm feeling very VERY random today.
I'm also feelin' like I need a CHANGE. :) OKay, I've decided that on Monday I'll apply for LKW & then, while I'm on Tramal in alpha mood not feeling the pain after the surgery, praying that I WILL get accepted.
Pls, pray for me oso.
Pls, pray for me oso.
Pls, pray for me oso.
Yes, this was that kind of retarded English that I DON'T like, but whatever. Special wish, special English! :D Teheheee, it rhymes. B-)
I talked today to Xiao Kafka, to Munie, to Kouki & to Justine - all in all, to people I haven't talked to for a LONG time and it felt so refreshing! ^_^
I love you guys, on case you haven't noticed it.
Life without friends would be like summer without sun...
I feel that I NEED to tide up my clothes. I also NEED to throw out more useless stupidities and I also NEED to buy myself some blossoming plants. :P
There are birds flying around playfully and happily in the sky & I can see them from my window. ^_^ I LOVE THEM.
Friday, June 15, 2007
I had a nasty chase dream with an old maniac that was chasing me & that was trying to rape me, a bunch of helpful kids from some school, my friend Kucci and also about a strange tennis player guy that was the only positive phenomena in the dreamas he has smiled at me and we've flirted for a nanosecond. Well, there were also narrow corridors, everything was greyish & depressing and it was all happening in the old communist part of BA called Petrzalka. Ewwwwww.
I might as well be very claustrophobic.
And those LIFTS! Gosh! I was fucking scared cuz lifts are my inner nightmare that I seldomly admit cuz I find it silly. :P It's just that I hate that image of the narrow, tall hoistway that goes on for example for 30m... Ewwww. I'm scared of heights. And also of depths. :D
In other words, I'm a hopelessly EARTHY person. :P
Coincidentally, I've found out that my element (as in those Chinese 5 elements stuffs) is earth and I've read that earthy people like bungalows and the row houses. They usually also like their houses to be low, cosy and not too big.
And guess what?
It fits 100%-ly to me.
Finally something that seemed stupid tome at first & it DIDN'T turn out to be stupid!
Two days ago I've had yet another stupid dream, now with sex. In the dream I had sex with Doggy! In the DAYLIGHT somemore! Hahaha! And if that's not enough, it was in our living room on the table where we eat. -_-
How stupid. I think my subconsciousness is feeling sorry for my consciousness not going to Prague where he wanted to "have a glass of wine" in other words, where he wanted to have sex with me.
Perv subconsciousness I've got. Sheesh! @_@ XD
Alrighty! I'm off to make myself some tea. :)
BTW! That strange tennis player! That one in that dream....who the hall was *that*? :P Eh, I think I'm just watching too much tennis. =_=
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I know I'm a supper lazy quacker these days. Btw, I've created a HotBlog on my Facebook so, if you're interested, I'm quacking there too. Oh, and I'm becoming ADDICTED to Facebook. Teheheee. Anybody from my friends there? :) Save for Munie Mark and Audrey that are already there?
Add me guys, you know my name. ;) And if not, I'll add *YOU*!!!
I'm tired. Tired, tired, TIRED.
I'll goto bed, sorry. =_= Tmr I refuse to do ANYTHING, I'm on HOLIDAY!!!!
Let the laziness begin. ^____^
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I went to the National Tennis Centre today. Entered the NTC Cafe. Spotted Doggy's sis & her coach. And THEN...DOGGY CAME.
Fuck, I still find him irresistibly crunchy even though he's a damn dickhead. =_=
He asked me abt my graduation, smiled at me (*melts*) and then asked me & K about the badminton and said he might check us out...and I told him not to come haha...and then he went probably home.
Stupid me was hoping to see him online today but again, he wasn't.
Why are we women so weak? GOSH. @_# I don't wanna be like this!!!
IT'S OVER. And I've gotten the grad report card and I'm FREE! I'm no longer a student of *THAT* grammasr school!!! ^_________^
Tomorrow me & Kucci will go play badminton at the National Tennis Centre and then on Wed I'll have there the Power Yoga class with two of my friends.
And then, on June 19th, I'll have my eyes OPERATED with the LASEK way (google it, ok, but it's an operation based on the super advanced laser technique) and that means that I CAN'T wear my lenses for the next two weeks.
Super weird! I'll have to wear GLASSES!!! O_O I haven't worn the glasses on public for million years already; who cares that they're Vogue and I don't look *that* bad in them....I'm still just not used to wearing em. Wahlau. O_o
On another note... I'm glad I won't meet certain my ex-classmates ever again. I'm a bitch, oh yes, I know I am, but at least I'm not being hypocritic. Today me & Kucci went to have some pizza and my Hilfiger Addicted frie..err, an ex-classmate, had joined us.
GOSH. *faints*
He's so blunt, he's so stupid, so superficial and so egocentric....THE WORST MAN EVER, IF HE EVEN DESERVES THE NAME 'MAN' AS HE'S PRETTY GAY.
I'm such a bitch. ^_^
But as I'm testing the FS, it's OK. *evil laughter*
I've read we should get rid of stupid & annoying acquitances (or WHATEVER the word is, I can never spell it right @_@ :D) as they suck the positive energy out of us and I can only agree with this, cuz after mere 90 minutes with this Hilfiger Addict I felt more exhausted & annoyed than after a week of listening to Slovak hip-hop. @_@
Nothing against the Slovak hip-hop but it's really quite stupid. :D
Aaaah, I'm so tired already. -_-
Friday, June 01, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
It's OVER!!!!!
It was OVER already yesterday but I was too exhausted to think straight. In fact, I'm still not really GETTING it; all those 8 years of my grammar school are...... *OVER*. *_____*
Gosh, I won't believe it until I get that precious graduation report card!!!!!
Btw, the grad. My results are awesome:
1 - Literature & Slovak language
1 - English
1 - History of Arts
3 - Social Studies (but that was absolutely unfair, I should have gotten 2 or even 1!!!! The prof is apparently a complete bitch, I hope her boobs rot & drop off)
1 is like A and 3 is like C.
I'm proud of myself but I can't say it was entirely my geniality kickin' in cuz it was partially about an INSANE LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh. I've chosen - from all the 35 questions that I haven't studied for - the only one question I haven't studied for as well, but knew about it anyways. That was the "Slovak folk arts and costumes".
Then on Slovak I've chosen the "Baroco & Classicistic" literature to which they gave me three pages with excerpts I had to work with - and that's just what I needed as I'm bad at memorising stuff and good at working with texts. By the way, the other questions had just two papers with excerpts. Lucky lucky me!
English was nice too. Know what have I chosen? ART & CULTURE. Teheheheeee! So we ended up talking about the visual arts I like and about me hopefully going to KL & etc. :P
And then Social Studies, I've chosen a Q where I had to talk about the human rights & the political parties & etc. I've told that bitch EVERYTHING. And she gave me 3???!!!! FUCK HER AND I LIKED HER!!!!
Anyways, I'm happy cuz now the doors to Limkokwing and to everywhere are open wide AND now I have the chance to fulfill my dream & go study Graphic Design overseas. ^_^
Sadly, I've been slacking in the terms of drawing & painting... I must start painting again. For the past three hell of a weeks I was doing three things only: STUDYING, EATING, SLEEPING. Seriously, I've learnt more during these three weeks than during all those 8 years! Hahaha!

Today I'm going to give back the books they borrowed us and then I'm going to Prague with dad. :) I'm soooo looking forward! ^__^ We'll be going for a KOREAN DINNER and I'm salivating for a Korean food for like 18 years of my life or so. :D Yesterday I've found THREE Korean restaurants in Prague (compared to ZERO in BA) and I really dunno to which one shall we doesn't matter long as we'll go to one! ^_^
I'll have a day off in Prague and I plan to go shopping in the downtown. I hope I won't get lost too often - I've been to Prague million years ago and I don't remember a single thing, not even where the Vaclav's Square is and how do I get to the Karl's Bridge. @_@ OMG, emmbarrasing....and to think we were one country once.... @_# :D
Bikini, sneakers & a bag, that's what I need. So I shall hunt for it. :) I'm thinking about buying some funky Converse shoes cuz I've always been eyeing them but never bought them cuz my cousin told me that they are quite shitty. Well, as they say "Trust but try out"...I shall do so. :)
THen the bikini....well, I've been thinking about buying Lacoste bikini but thinking about it again, it's a waste of money. Do I need to have a crocodile on my boob?! NOPE!!! :P Besides, it's a tennis brand and from a certain time onwards EVERYWHERE I GO, THERE GOES TENNIS. It's like, STALKING ME!!! @_@ I'm starting to hate it!
Wherever I come, there are people talking about tennis. I switch on the TV and there's tennis (but that's understandable, as the Roland Garros is now). I meet new people and they turn out to be tennis players. GOSH.
Whoops....I'm in a quacking mood today but I must go liao - the books are waiting! It's going to be the very last time of myself in *that* school. ^_^ The LAST TIME will be on Monday when we'll get the GRADUATION REPORT CARDS and then.... I'm OFFICIALLY FREE. ^___^
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
FUCK. FUCK THE DUCK!!!!! <--- I'm a creator of new vulgar phrases ok
I'm the saddest example of the most bimbotic procrastinator EVER. Tomorrow is the day D with the LAST GRAD ORAL EXAM from Society Studies. Honestly, I can't even *pretend* that I know anything,. cuz I DON'T. I studying/revising..?
If I fail tmr, I'll DIE. Gosh~ @_@
Dear Almighty Duck, PLEASE, lemme choose Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Freud, Jung or Kant cuz I remember them at least a bit. Also the religionistics would do me good...just, PLEASE....NO LAW NOR ECONOMY.
Thank you.... *sighhhh*
I'm off to revising that nothing I know. Shit shit fuck fuck fuckkkkkkk the duckkkk. @_@
So far I've been acing it, I feel like Federer, hahha... Lit A, History of Arts A, English A.......ok, let's prepare for tomorrow's D...... ALL GODS IN THE UNIVERSE, SAVE ME, HELP ME, LEAD MY HAND TO A GOOD & EASY QUESTION, PLEASE!!!!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I have set up my alarm clock to 5.10am.
I will wake up.
Dress up.
Eat up.
Brush the teeth, wash the face, apply the lenses.
Do the make-up.
Wear the heels.
Enter the class with the History of Arts.
Choose one paper with some question.
Use up the 15 mins that I have for the preparation.
The same thing but without the waking up part later, on the Slovak language & literature. GOSH.
And then, the 1st day of my graduation will be over. O_O
Tuesday - English. I'm aiming for A.
Wednesday - Society Studies. I'll be damn happy with C or D!
I shall FIGHT!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Long time no see & I know that 0.45 of my readers deserve a long post BUT I'm very lazy & escematic so I'll be really brief.
- One more topic left to learn from Literature (Lit after 1945)
- I have ecsema, swollen red right eye, nose bleed and allergy (thus, a running nose)
- Got my hair trimmed and now I look like 8 year old
- I've slimmed down 3 kg! :D THANK YOU, BADMINTON SWEETHEART!!!! Now I look more appropriate for the hostessing job. :P
- I've decided to wear my platinum + brilliant ring from the Korean grandpa for luck...I think it's a stupidity, but I've got nothing to lose :P
- May 31st ~ June 1st, I'm off to PRAGUE. With my father, that is.
Hahahaaa, who would've thought that? :P My woman's pride & dignity aside, I wouldn't mind meeting Doggy there just for the sake of seeing WHAT may happen. Teheheheee. - Shit, I don't have 3 red things to wear. Or golden. I'm superstitious even though I pretend I'm not, but neverthless, I ALWAYS wear something red when I need luck. -_-
Okay. I'm sorry but I'm off liao - I need to bath in the bath sea salt that is supposed to be beneficial for the skin irritation.... I'm irritated EVERYWHERE!!! GOSH!!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
There's FINALLY/SADLY/LUCKILY nothing else for me to contemplate about because one episode of my drama of life has just ended.
It was bitter like a lemon fernet for me and I'm still swallowing it, but c'est la vie.....
To the point:
DOGGY: "How was your badminton? What, ain't the Prague option interesting for you?"
ME: "Not NOW, after the grad maybe...I'm in PN now....but then, I'll come...for 85%! "Life is about changes" as the Heracleitos from Efez has said!"
DOGGY: "I know. Is it there where those vinyls are? I won't be here (in SK) right after your grad but I'll surely come back later. And if I'm right, it's as the Epicuros has said: 'Foreigner, here you will feel good, here the pleasure is the biggest contentment.'"
ME: "Anyways, now I'm in PN and it's fine here; fresh strawberries in the garden, badminton, food, relax, music...aaaahh. :)"
DOGGY: "And what about the lovers? And the beer? I was kinda thinking when you were talking about that your're still waiting for your prince, aren't you?"
ME: "Hahaaa, today one guy that was dropping the flyers almost dropped off his bike when he saw me in a short skirt! :P And yes, I am waiting....and with my requirements I think I will, for a long time... =_="
DOGGY: "Don't you worry, those that would like to please you (physically, he meant), they are in heaps! You're just SMSing with one I guess.... But if you're waiting for your prince, it's not gonna be me. I don't have any time for love now."
ME: "Well, I could have LOTS of them last Friday at Dopler (SK version of the Zouk), thanks...I'm not in for shallow relationships. Is love for tennis enough to you? ;)"
DOGGY: "It is. It's just that sometimes one needs to vent out the hormones. If you'd have a similar problem someday, I'll be glad to help...but now I'm off to sleep. Nites & sweet dreams. I'm going to dream and I think it'll be about making love with you."
ME: "Good night and I hope there's a tennis racquet lying by your side.. ;) Well, and if you were calling me to come to CZ just so you'd be able to shag me, then I definately won't come. Sweet tennis dreams!"
DOGGY: "Nah, just like, for a visit. It's not like I can call you for anything else anyways (he has a gf but he's planning to break up with her after the grad).. Well, nitez and sweet dreams about the Miletian school." <--- I was studying the Philosophy, hence all these Philo jokes & references :)
ME: "Well, that's another speech now! I shall see. Take care!"
Wow, so kool, I've always wanted to be the one the guys wanna shag. =_='''' comment.
My feminine dignity and pride is shattered. Gosh, if ALL GUYS are like this, I'll be a lesbian. =_= :P
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I have never 100%-ly believed even in this Feng Shui thing and I think I'll be forced to rethink it too. :P
Three days ago, in the morning, I was in the living room, just about to leave for the school. Suddenly, I heard a REALLY loud chirping and even though I was in a hurry, I turned around and saw two pretty birds on the balcony fence (or whatever) 'dancing' around each other.

"The birds?", I thought, "The birds are supposed to be a super positive sign according to the FS...and TWO birds, that may be a sign of a positive turn in my love life or something!"
Little I believed in that anyways and I went to school.
And then I came back home & logged into MSN & ICQ. I saw Doggy online and I was really tempted to IM him but then I collected all my pride & dignity and my hurt ego & told my friend:
"I'm NOT gonna IM him ANYMORE. It's leading from nowhere to nowhere & nothing's gonna happen anyways."
A minute later he IMed to me & invited me on mutual webcaming.
And from THAT DAY onwards I am chatting with Doggy almost everyday and he's inviting me to see him in Prague (there's a tournament these days) and to "listen to the music by the candles"...oh yes, and he has told me that the way I looked at him once on the webcam (but I swear that was just for fun!) was "really tough weapon" and so on.
Duck. I can't believe it's JUST BECAUSE. O_o
Who knows what's gonna happen today..tomorrow...later? :)
I have politely declined his Prague offer because I'm graduating in freaking few days and I need to STUDY, not to watch him playing tennis...haha...however...maybe I might go to CZ AFTER the graduation.
I just hope that things will go fine! If not, I'll kill those silly birds for making me believe in things that weren't for real! @_@ :P
Slovak lingo composition: 92,6%
English description: 90%
English graduation test: 92,5%
The ORAL GRADS are coming. I'm freaking's not like I've studied too much. @_@ WISH ME LUCK & MANY MORE BIRDS ON THE FENCE, PLEASE. ^_^
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tomorow is FRIDAY and then SATURDAY....and that's when I'm off to some VIP golf tournament as a hostess. 1000Skk netto. AWESOME. ^^
I'll buy the Slovak version of the HK Octopus card (although here we don't tap anything as we're in paleolitic age in terms of mass transport), buy the fitness member card and then indulge. Perhaps on sushi or aromatic candles.... Or on new flowers! ^_^
There's the new Rihanna's single "Umbrella" playing on the radio and I must say that I REALLY like it. It's so....different. :)

It's Beyonce that's considered as the unofficial "Queen of R&B" but...she's so....UNORIGINAL. I find all her songs sounding the same, her style is the same and it's all more an average pop with a hint of R&B than R&B itself.
She has a ducking hot body though, I wouldn't mind having one myself. *bats eyelashes*

Wahlau, her legs are 5x longer than my ENTIRE body. O_O
BUT! My fave is AMERIE! ^^
Maybe it's also cuz she's a half Korean and we all know that I'm biased.
Have you heard her new single "Take Control" liao? More impooportantly, have you seen the video liao?
Gosh, it's so sexy, I think I'm turning lesbian while watching it. O_O
And again, even her legs are 5x longer than my ENTIRE body, even though you can't see it on this pic.
Well, in my next life I'll be Barbie and then *THEY* will envy *ME*! MWAHA!
I bought AWESOME panties today @ Accessorize. :D They are stripy on front and these stripes are rasberry-pink & white....and on the back they have this hilarious patterns consisting of little tennis racquets, tennis balls & hearts. XD
It's HILARIOUS, really!!!!! XD
There were also other hilarious panties (with watermelons & chrries, with lil' doggies...) but none of them were THAT hilarious.
I feel like I can finally go play tennis. ^_~
....Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, the After-Classicist Philosophy...that's what I've learnt today. Sian lah. NITES! ^^
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I've just CLEANT UNDER MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMD!!!! OMD!!!! *dies of horror*
Oh yes, and then I've wiped the wooden shelfes & the funny sculpture of a lazy, laid-back laughing Buddha that father brought from Taiwan many years ago.
We have this cleaning thingamajig (I love this word, HAHAHAAAAA, ducky sis, thanx for teaching me :D) for wooden furniture that contains honey and it TOTALLY changes the quality of the wood. It's so shiny and pretty.
Mmmm. ^^
Oh, duck me, I'm quacking like a 89 yrs old grandma. =_=
Yesterday I was SO boasting on the topic of myself being a nerd and..?!
It's 8.32pm and I STILL haven't studied a single page.
GAH. =_=
I'd better do so ASAP cuz I've counted that I have only 26 days left until the grad and that's a freakishly short time, considering those 58847547857785 pages worth of uninteresting notes that I have to remember. @_@
Today my Society Studies prof accused me of slacking and losing the grip of things when I've muttered that I don't understand the Slovak annuity plan that includes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pillar and 18% and 9% and other 9% and the Social Insurance Co. and BLAHBLAH, in other words, it's madly complicated and not even my mother understands it.
Thank you, professor. =_=
The thing is, it's in the B level graduation questions (that she & her colleagues prepared!) and she was explaining that to us today, in case we get that question.
Wahlau. I'm worried bululess, I really am! @_@ This prof liked me at first but now I think she no longer does that much. Then there is the Geo prof which is a complete bitch and I am SURE that she hates me. We have this kind of Potter-Snape relationship. :P
Aaaaahhh well...................................................................I think there is no more room for procrastination for me left. Maybe only.....checking out my horoscopes. XD
And after *THAT* I WILL go study Slovak literature which is the most annoying subject EVER but I'll try to autohypnose myself into loving it more than sushi.
NO PAIN, NO GAIN. In my case, no FREEDOM.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Didf that sound pompous enough? Teheheeee.... I hope it did. :P
Reading it again, it sounds more WEIRD than POMPOUS, but.... Okay, I'm not prince William to speak perfect English, just my teeth are almost his size.
It all leads to one thing anyways - I am (un)pleased to announce that TODAY I've officially launched my newly-found schizo part of myself, that is, THE NERDESS.
*Yes, I also don't think such a word exists.*
I've managed to study for FULL THREE AND HALF HOURS during which I've learnt the mysteries of State, Democracy, Peoples and the blahblahs around it and then Neolit, Paleolit, Egypt, Mykena and Creta and its art, architecture and sculpture.
O_o *_*
I've never thought I'm able to study THAT much! OMB!!! O_O @_@
The nerdess path is gonna continue tomorrow and even fiercely than today, as today was just the warm-up.
Gosh, isn't it scary? :P Ain't *I* in particular scary?! @_@
I believe I am and as a true nerdess I'm now listening neither to Beyonce nor to Avril Lavigne but to a CLASSICAL RADIO via iTunes.
Oh. My. Poopness.
Don't be scared though.... I assure you that the nanosecond after my graduation I will turn into my usual self and enjoy the art of procrastination yet again in its full glory.
It's sad but NOW, in my new Nerdess role, I can't procrastinate as much as my soul wishes to. T_T
True, today all that studying exhausted me as much as I was reading Potter 6 for most of the time after it but....again, today was JUST A WARM-UP. *shivers*
Period is bodoh. My complexion is awful, my small of the back hurts bluntly and I can't even go to power yoga because many of the asanas aren't recommended to women in *those days*. :( I've wasted 150Skk already, as I had booked and paid a power yoga class at the morning (8am ~ 9.30am) but I precisely remember waking up at 4.22am and finding out that I have a period.
Next time then...but not even tomorrow...maybe next week... TT___TT
I don't dare to go to yoga despite of the period because I believe that during those thousands of years of yoga's history the yoga masters surely must have found out what's beneficial and what's not for the body, right?!
Then if they say this asana isn't good when you have the period, I shall not do it.
But I LOVE yoga! ^_^
It's so awesome....those gracious, slow movements we (desperately try) to do...the breathing in & out....the meditative music....those beautiful, balanced asanas...
My most fave ones are the ones where we stand on one leg and hold our hands either together as in a prayer or held out in that 'lotus flower' way or whatever it is called. ^^
Midnight liao. Eeehhh. I'm just sipping my Sweet Dreams tea & listening to the So 90's iTunes radio and feeling REALLY sleepy already. Got school tmr! UUUAAA!!!! TT___TT
Nite, nite. Love ya all. *kisses*
I've heard Se7en was supposed to be in it but maybe our TVs aren't airing that version or what....sigh...!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
I'm scaring myself with my sudden growing affinity to the color PINK.
Two days ago I bought dark pink-bordeaux-blackish sunglasses. Yesterday I bought a bright pink bra, it has that almost invisible powderish shade, but still, it's PINK. And today I bought a pink (in the scariest combo EVER with BABYBLUE) toothbrush!!!!!!!!!
*wails in horror*
I'm scared that one day I might end up like Xiaxue having everything...
Wouldn't THAT be the biggest horror?! UHHHHHHHHH. @_@
Maybe it just means some subconscious need for love (as pink symbolizes romance, feminity & blahblah) but - I ask myself: WHAT LOVE?!
I'm enjoying my singlehood, okay?! I have Haku's love, that's the only one love I need and as I've understood that men (save for baibee & BYJ) are bodoh I don't need to trouble myself.
The other option is that...
...maybe I'm just becoming a REAL ah lian.
It had to come one day, it really had. =_=
Irrelevantly, I had a dream about PRINCE WILLIAM.
WAHAHAHAHAAA, no kidding! I think in the dream we were in bus or something and we became friends and all in all, the dream was as if I had smoked sa good old ganja before I closed my eyes. XD Amazing, it was SO real! :P
Hmmm. The beauty of my room is STILL intact. In fact, I've removed my curtains today because I felt (or lured myself to feel) that due to their filthiness they emit the bad yin qi and I cannot tahan that.
Somebody please SHOOT ME soon, okay?
Today I was even determining my Four Pillars (whatever it is) now I have a super beautiful Four Pillars chart with me being the "Yin Fire Snake" and etc. but I don't really understand what am I supposed to do with it. Like, ooops! XD
I've checked my ASTRONOMICAL WEIGHT today & this is what I've learnt:
Your astronomical birth is 3 (liang) 6 (chin).
Solar DOB: 17 Mar 1989
Lunar DOB: 10 Feb 1989
You will have a very busy schedule ahead, but this is good as you will be busy attaining great success in life! You enjoy excellent family affinity and they will bring you lots of prosperity luck. Lucky stars will always shine on you, helping you achieve all your wishes. Keep a wealth vase at home to enhance your wealth and prosperity luck further. And do not be afraid to be ambitious. You have a lot of potential based on your birth weight, which you can realize if you have the conviction and courage to do so.
Sounds good, I just hope it's TRUE! :D
I'm sooo sleepy today. Not even this FLUFFY PINK bathrobe I have on helps me to wake up! T_T @_@ Probably it's cuz of the grey skies outside and the sleepy chillout lounge music I'm listening to. Sigh. *yawns*
Time to try finding something nice to eat.... And maybe I'll just cook a plain, white rice, I love its aroma. ^^
Thursday, May 03, 2007
(Amedeo Modigliani)
10pm, no studying yet? KNN!!!!
I saw Yves Klein's, Gustav Klimt's, Egon Schiele's, Pablo Picasso's, Andy Warhol's, Eduard Manet's and other giants' of art artworks today! *_* AWESOME!!!!!!!
We (the class) were in Vienna for the super perfect exhibitions of erotic paintings and of Yves Klein.
He's the Artist with capital A!
Egon Schiele was provocative & almost gross as always, Pablo disliked by me as always and Manet liked by me as always.
I had miso shiru, bulgogi (the KL one was WAY better), one piece of friend's sushi :P, green tea, Almdudler, apple strudel and a salad. Life's good. ^^
I bought sunglasses, H&M eyeshadows and whatever..... Goodbye, 50 Euro. :P
Very boring quack indeed but I'mm tired like hell and I'm planning to get a nice bubbly bath in my lychee bath foam thingee and read up the Society Studies there. SIGH. =_=
P.S.: My tided up, neaty, pretty room is still intact, save for few clothes on the chair and a bag, a book, an iPod and the results of my shopping on the table. YAY!!!! ^^
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Just as the title quacks, I've gotten yet another feng shui mood & I've almost compoopletely tided up my room, cleant up everythong that could be cleant up, threw out almost all useless stuffs AND - and this is an upgrade! :D - even drew a plan of my tiny room and determined which corners of the room are said to be full of the negative qi that can't be roused.
Sadly for me I HAD to rouse one negative qi corner, the Northeast one because I had a mirror there and according to FS, the mirror doubles the qi. In my case it was doubling the negative qi (if we assume that we believe in all these qi quackings) and that really is NOT good at all! @_@
Right now there are two candles lightning up my room. One of them is in a LOTUS shape, now, could you find anything more......feng shui-y? O_o :P
Cantik. ^_^ Me likes! :D
I think I'm getting paranoid cuz of the upcoming graduation and therefore I wanna make sure that EVERYTHING is perfect with me & around me.
(I'm even planning to wear RED TOP & UNDIES on the grad that will bring me luck. In fact, I've realized that whenever we have a difficult test, I tend to wear red. Seems like I'm kinda superstitious. Uhhh. =_=)
Sadly, Snakes (me) are the compooplete opposites of Pigs (this year is the Year Of Pig) and that means that in general this won't be a good year...and that adds up to my pre-grad paranoia. :P
If you catch me buying some esotheric qi-enhancing golden whatever next time, STOP ME!!!! @_@ It means I've gone seriusly GILA and I need just few tight slaps. -_- :D :D
Hmmm, there might be something true about these qi things because immidiatelly after tiding it up here I feel much much better. ^^
It's miraculous - THERE IS NO DUST ON THE FLOOR!!!!! *faints*
Such things rarely happen to me. :P
Eeeeh. It's full moon. Know what that means? That I won't be able to fall asleep!!!! T___T I'm weirdly sensitive to these full moons and I don't sleep well when it's so. I'm not a werewolf (WEREDUCK???? That's more likely :D) though, don't you be scared! :P :D
Feng Shui.
Feng Shui.
Feng Shui.
I like least for the fact that it keeps me tiding up my room. :P
In case you get inspired by me & FS your room too, then WATCH OUT FOR THE WEST, NORTHWEST & NORTHEAST!!!! *waggles feather*
The negative qi (some 'bad stars' or whatever) are said to be there in 2007 and the less you disturb them, the better. In case you NEED to disturb them, at least don't disturb them as the first ones - you better start in another corners of your room.
Now, am I educated or not? :D
HAHA!!!! :P
Uh, now it quacked me. MY BED IS ON THE WEST!!!! @_@
*Borat voice* Nice, nice, niiiiiice.....NOOOT!!!!!!
What do I do? Sleep badly until 2008???? -_-
*inner voice*
Ducky Princess, PLEASE. -_- Wake up lah. Don't take FS THAT only has 5000 years worth of history! :P
Okay. Off I go to take my freshly showered plants (new yang qi), put them in my room, then I'll freshly shower myself, set the alarm clock (6.25am T_T) and go sleep to my negative qi corner. Sigh. Hahaha. :D
GOOD NIGHT!!!! ^_^
(And, btw, YANG qi is the good one and YIN qi is the bad one and they must be in harmony. I'm so clever. And check out :D
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The ORAL GRADUATION is drawing nearer and nearer and I'm starting to be scared shitless. @_@ I should be studying 24/7 as I don't know anything yet but I just can't push myself to doing it.....the sun is shining outside, the birds are chirping, my beautiful badminton rackets and the shuttlecocks (HAHAHAAA) are smiling at me sexily and the power yoga is seducing me with its smooth & relaxed nature......
I MUST study.
Every minute of my day MUST be dedicated to diligent studying!!!!
Only if *that* was possible!!!! *bangs head*
I'll tr, try, try, try.....I'll do my personal possible & healthy best to learn everything required AND not jump outta the window during the process. -_-
I wonder if that's even possible....??
Today I've realized in its full glory how important is it for me to graduate and get accepted into LKW. O_O It is, in fact, my biggest dream &'s the doors to the exciting future and I must do EVERYTHING I'm capable of for ACHIEVING it. *_*
There's no possibility of me failing either in the first or second task or in (god, no!) both!
Ducky Princess shall get down to work!!!!!!! *roarrr*
I'm graduating from Slovak (level B), English (A), History of Arts (B) and the Society Studies (B). All these subjects, save from English, are idiotic cuz there are so many facts to remember..... *sigh* The worst is Slovak cuz there so much Literature & Grammar, there's no possible way for me to remember EVERYTHING.
But I ought to BELIEVE in myself.
Me & my friend Dominica have decided on one hilarious thing:
Now, Dominica is already accepted into the Uni of Westminster so all what's left for her is to graduate.
And me?
I must graduate as well as get accepted into LKW. @_@
Oh, you Almighty Duck, please, HELP ME OUT!!!!!!!! @_#
I'm scared bululess!!!! #_#
Saturday, April 21, 2007
That's how we here describe the sound that angry dog makes. Sadly, I can't remember how is the English version of it - and yes, I'm aiming for 1 (A) in English! MUAHA! Fat chance, babe.
To me, the 'Vrrrr Element' also indicates the hotness & sexiness & the overal charm of the particular dude. Besides these, it also indicates how much do I wanna tear his clothes off & be naughty.
I'm VERY late on this, I agree, but well, I've seen the Music & Lyrics movie today & the Vrrrr Element of Hugh Grant is INDESCRIBABLE. *_* *salivates*
That British accent.
That ability to play piano (and to SING!!!)
That British humor.
That body, which is not actually hot, but there's something about it anyways!
That face.
Such a sweet lovestory! FINALLY a good movie! Okay, The Babel was even better, but it was another type of a movie...this one was a stupid romantic comedy with VERY vrrrrr Hugh Grant & catchy songs....I'm very simple-minded, so I enjoyed it. *shy smile*
Know what? I'm off to FedCup with my friend's FATHER tmr! :D Heh! Nice! It's held in the National Tennis Center, well, check the out & you'll see. :) It's SVK vs CZE and sadly, our players have been losing so far. T_T
That reminds me of seeing Daniela Hantuchova on Friday on my way to power yoga! She's just BEAUTIFUL. O_O OMD!!!!! She could be a model ANYTIME!!!! *_*
OK. I'm tired. -_-
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sorry guys! I was either lazy or busy, but more BUSY than lazy.
What's new with my SUPER EXCITING love life?
Many funny stories ahead. One could make a comedy outta it, I swear so!
Sit down, sip your cup, stretch your unshaved legs & enjoy...
I was invited to that infamous BBQ at Doggy's. So I came. I paid extra attention to my appearance and to my behaviour, cuz, as we all know, guys have better eyes than anything else so if I wanna attract anyone, I ought to look decent.
Well, I came, I sat down and felt amazing, cuz THE guy, Doggy, was just besides me & he looked super crunchy and he was really funny.....mmm, those eyes...those shoulders...that smile...
"This is too good to be true...", I was telling myself.
And SO IT WAS!!!!
Minutes later, a slim, cute, ash blonde girl came to Doggy and sat on his lap. =_=
Turns out she is Doggy's girlfriend and she even slept at Doggy's as he was off to Prague the next day.
There went my hopes. -_-
There is this website in Slovakia similar to Friendster or Faceparty where people - including me - have their profiles and talk together, check out party photos, rate each other & etc.
One day I stumbled upon a profile of a guy with the nickname B. U. N. N. Y. (only in Slovak) and he seemed quite cool... 20 years, 184cm, intelligent, cute, he resembled Ron Weasley to me with his red hair and a funny attitude.
Few days later he messaged me and we've started to talk.
"Who are you?", said he.
"Your worst nightmare!", retorded I.
"Then I have a really pretty nightmare. :)"
Mmmmm, he seems like such a lovely bunny. ^^
Few days later we had added each other to our ICQs. I checked out his contact details and....
...ladies & gentleducks, he is FIFTEEN years old. @_@ XD
I still haven't recovered from this blow! This is like, TOO MUCH! Ah, sigh, I almost wish I was 15 too. XD
Today I went by train from PN to BA and I went with a friend of mine, the daughter of grandma's neighbours. At the railway station we met up with friend's friend and THEN we met up with a guy, a mutual friend of these two girls.
This guy was dark-haired, had glasses, was quite short (I guess he was like 170cm or so) and he looked very intelligent & tender.
The best feature?
"Mmmmmmm", I thought, "he looks so BYJ-ish!"
After some talking when I told them all that I'm just graduating this year...they told me what they're studying at the uni...there was international economy, medicine & the guy's degree remained a mystery.
And know what?
He's a devoted student of............................
I can't, I just CAN'T believe my "luck"!!!!! XD Obviously, there's already some taken 12 year old gay waiting for me behind the corner. Can you feel it too....? XD
Thursday, April 05, 2007
It's been an exciting time! ^_^
On Monday I lost my nerves and apologised to Doggy and he invited me over a BBQ party right away. It almost seems like he was waiting just for my apology...heheh...
Well, and I also passed one his secret test - he told me to listen to one video by The, unsuspecting anything said I like it cuz it's so nice & relaxing.....and he said he's glad I like it cuz he finds little understanding for music like this in people nowadays! :D
Muahaha. ^^'''''
Yay, and then the BBQ!
It should be on Sunday but he himself isn't sure cuz on Monday he's leaving for Prague for a month to train and then play at some tournament so...
Well, he said that he'll tell me when he'll know more. :)
Am I in a Korean drama or am I in a Korean drama? ^_~
Erm, not really a Korean one, nobody is as far from looking Korean as Doggy. Hahaha.
I'm trying not to get too excited cuz I'm afraid that all this might go to waste and I'd be happy for nothing. I have no idea where will the BBQ be, who will come, when will we come, whether I can take Haku with...... NO IDEA. :P
It's Thursday already and I hope that he'll tell me all these details soon cuz on Sunday I also want to meet up with my kindergarten friend B and I must time manage this! O_O
I definitely DON'T wanna NOT to meet up with B or NOT to come to that BBQ. Or maybe the BBQ won't be at last....?
NO. IDEA!!!!! O_o
Well, on Tuesday me & Kucci went out to play badminton and we've ended up playing it for three hours straight! :D HILARIOUS. I love love love loooove that game!!!!!! ^____^
I bought new Yonex rackets and new Yonex shuttlecocks (I love this word, hahahah) so now the badminton is like never before! :D
On Wednesday me & Kucci went out again to try to play tennis cuz we wanted to know whether there isn't some little Roger Federer hiding in us, but, there REALLY isn't. @_@ :D
OMFD, we have decided that we *MUST* learn that so after graduation (if we survive) we'll go to PN and sign up for some freakishly intensive tennis course at those nice tennis courts nearby my grandma's house.
The thing is, we both love badminton but we can't play it when it's windy. Unlike tennis! Ha! So if we learn to play tennis, then let it be windy, it doesn't matter, we still can play! :)
Today I'm off to DD with Haku and my parents are off to the eastern Slovakia to check out the protestant Easter celebration. I'll sleep over at DD's and then, when I come back, my grandma will come and stay until Monday. ^^
I hope the Sunday will turn out well. It MUST. *_*
But I'd better not say "YEAAAHHH" before everything clears out and turns out a certain way in order to prevent a possible disappointment. Hm? Life is very unpredictable, you know...especially mine. :)
Okay, off I go! Soon my father is here and he'll take me to DD's.... I'll be here tomorrow & maybe even quack here. :) Take care!