Friday, April 21, 2006

The best song ever

I admit that I'm an individualistic bitchy bitch (heh) just like it's a custom to be for people from the good ol' Europe.

I want to live the way I want, I want to do this & that when I feel like it, I want to have these & those friends, date this or that guy, wear this & that, eat this & that, say this & that, donate money here or there, buy this & next time that and etc... You can imagine.

All this of course doesn't mean that I wanna live forever by myself doing whatever I feel like doing....even duckies like me need some men (okay, ONE! Hahaha! Kang Joon-Sang for me, please! ^^v) & fairy tale happyend and all this romantic blabla.

Now I present to you the best song ever catching my own individualistic bitchiness very well too:


Nechcem byť žienka domáca
I don't want to be a housewifey
a už vôbec nechcem vydať sa
nor I want to marry
Nechcem byť žena a mať stres
I don't want to be a woman & have stress
Nechcem mať muža a detí päť
I don't want to have a man & five kids

Nechcem sa správať rozumne
I don't want to behave sensibly
a všetkým mužom vravieť nie
and say "No" to all the men
a každú stredu byť v spolku žien
and every Wednesday in the women's club
to nie je pre mňa to je zlý sen
that's not for me, that's a nightmare

Žiť ako kvietok umelý
Live like an artifical flower
a čakať kým ma niekto opelí
and wait for someone to fertilize me
byť milá a dobrá, to radšej nie -
be nice & good, that better not -
dúfam, že sa mi to nestane
I hope that doesn't happen to me

Ty chceš a ja nie
You want & I don't
veď žiť s tebou to je umenie
it's an art to live with you
nechcem žiť s tebou ale bez teba nie
I don't want to live with you but also not without you

nechcem sa snažiť o stošesť
I don't want to try like crazy
aj tak to s tebou nehne
it won't move with you anyways
tak čo chceš…
so what do you want...
…nechcem byť pri tom keď pôjdeš za inou
...I don't want to be there when you'll go to other chick
a so susedou plakať nad vinou
and cry with neighbour at my guilt
jedného dňa si mladú dovezieš
one day, you'll bring a young chick
a mňa do domova dôchodcov odvezieš
and send me to the senior's rest house
a každú stredu v spolku žien
and every Wednesday in the women's club
to nie je pre mňa to je zlý sen
that's not for me, that's a nightmare

Žiť ako kvietok umelý
Live like an artifical flower
a čakať kým ma niekto opelí
and wait for someone to fertilize me
byť milá a dobrá, to radšej nie
be nice & good, that better not
- dúfam, že sa mi to nestane
- I hope it doesn't happen to me

Hilarious!!!!!! :D

Listening to: "เข้าใจและยอมรับ" by Armchair. My new linguistic record, I understand "khob khun". Wahahahahaha. XD
Yay!: I SKIPPED SCHOOL TODAY. Wahhhoooooooo~~~~ ^___^
Grrr: I wanna go to Koh Samet & I can't!!!! *cries heavily*
DON'T FORGET: Buy newspapers. Change the plants' soil - really!!!

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