Saturday, April 08, 2006

Volunteering ideas ^^

Many links in this mindless entry. You've been warned!

My oppa has bday today! :D Wahooooooo~~~~
He's so old, 32 yrs, oh, someone buy him an anti-aging facial cream. *evil laughter*


Be happy always...and come back to SVK someday again!
*huugggeeee bday hugs*
Miss ya, man!

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I was thinking of volunteering somewhere in Southeast Asia (prefferably in Thailand or Cambodia) in the summer but I can SIAL OFF. The minimum age for all the programs is 18 years & I'm 17. =_= >_<

The Elephant Mahout Project by Pattaya looked so FASCINATING.
The English teaching is kool too!
Another volunteer program in Thailand looked really great & trustworthy.
This also wasn't bad.


OHMYBERBULUPOOPNESS!!!!! *hearts in eyes & watering mouth*

The Cross-Cultural Solutions offer a volunteer program in BANGKOK even for 17 yrs old ppl as long as they fill out this application!
BANGKOK, geddit???!!!???

You know HOW KOOL would it be to be in BANGKOK?!?! *tears of joy*
Ahem, after watching Ong-Bak I was telling myself that if Bkk is that dangerous, I'll never step my foot there but I'm sure it's not so.... *glittery hearts in eyes*

As the evenings & weekends are FREE I could hang out with itiks gila Pom & Phong around and go to beaches, Chantaburi, shops (important!), markets, cook (Pom can cook - he must teach me a bit or I die of sadness), restaurants, parks, ANYTHING.

I must apply for that. *_* I've just printed out the special application for under-18-ppl & I'll email them there & etc.
It costs quite a lot..or maybe no..well, I dunno but I think I'll enrol. ^^

Then, in case I get accepted, I'll fly to Bkk & get lost the very second after my arrival & horrible perv Japanese 50 yrs old pervs will kidnap me cuz I'm an exotic young sweet beautiful virgin farang and they'll abuse me sexually until Pom comes to rescue me & he'll do that in a very special way, that is, he'll make his hair wavy again & they'll all look at him in wonder and run away laughing their perv asses off.

You see it's good. As long as Pom has WAVES, I'm safe. XD *laughs evily till she dies*
(Oh poor boy, I won't make fun of him anymore, I'm too cruel. But sadly, it's MY HOBBY to make fun of him. He must kill me. XD)

Volunteering in Bangkok....MMMMMmmmmmmMMMmmm..... ^__^


"Volunteers and interns in Bangkok, Thailand, are involved with caring for infants and children, teaching children, teaching English, assisting teachers, sharing their professional skills/experience, caring for the elderly, observing and assisting local medical professionals, caring for people with disabilities, working with people affected by HIV/AIDS, and assisting teachers of special education."

Fucking kool. I like that "teaching children" and "teaching English" stuffs and also the "assisting local medical professionals" (as we know, I love medicine & pharmacy). ^^
Maybe I could learn a bit of Thai too while I'm there. So I'll know more than those 15 words (or less) that I know now. :D That lingo is as freaky as not knowing it is a crime. XD :D ^^

I'm EXCITED. *____*
*dances samba cheerfully*

Ilkka, Ilkka baibee, aren't you going with me? ^_^ It's gonna be fun! Ask your parents, PWWWEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE!!!!! *puppy dog eyes* ^___^

Now I must quack away & tell my mother abt that. It's FASCINATING & I WANNA GO THERE. I wanna & must. I must & wanna. ^^

Listening to: "Heart, Mind & Soul" in Japanese by TVXQ. I like songs in Korean more but this one is nice even in Japanese. Thanks, Justine! ^^
Yay!: Yay to the GREAT TRIP my parents, me & Haku went on today... I've discovered a new kool path & it was really perfect. ^^ And of course HUGE yay to that Bkk thing. OMP, if I don't get accepted, I'll die of sadness!
Grrr: As usually when I was offline, Pom was online. Eeehh... =_=

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaah... volunteering volunteering. ^^ Actually I´ve been looking at some volunteering stuff myself too! But all I´ve found this far have been for ppl over 18 yrs. But that one! Wow! Althought I just checked the fees and noticed that it costs quite much.. a bit too much for me :(
But wahh... It would be wonderpoopful! :D