This is BAD. I have that freaking Maths exam tmr and I haven't studied yet cuz I was taken to the Woch Music Club by mi madre and that all happened just cuz it was some post-rebranding party of T-Com & its ad agency or WTF.
It's just 11.25pm & tmr I'm waking up at 5.55am, lallalalaaaa, life's beautiful!!! *sarcastic*
I was so fucking bored, I went out to buy the Slovak version of German Geo mag with the month's theme of BUDDHISM & DALAI LAMA. Waaah, so interesting. *_* I'm not a religious person (Ray can tell~) but I like Buddhism and its attitude towards life and its meaning, the way of living it and all.... From all the religious it looks the nicest & closest to me - although well, I wouldn't call it a religion, it's more a kind of lifestyle.
I was reading the article and I was getting sadder & sadder and more and more touched...and sentimental...the misery of Tibet under the Chinese assholes (sorry, Li Hong, Fong, Li Chun & Hong Hong!)...the current dalai lama probably being the last one too - China wouldn't accept another one from Tibet, would they? *sigh*
Recently I've read that they erected an enourmous statue of Chairman Mao in the centre of Lhasa. FUCKERS!!!! What else can I say on that?!?! >_< *curses* We've had communism in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia then) & all I can say is - FUCK IT ALL. The communists all are alike in one thing - THEY DON'T USE BRAINS.
There can never be a good result from communism. Never. Esp when the bosses of this shit have dictatorship syndroms like forbidding people to access this & that, travel here & there, fart here & there and etc. We had this in SVK. It was very beautiful indeed, we couldn't even look at the Austrian border nor cross it.
Cross it = die. x_x
I was born on the year of the Velvet Revolution but from my parents' & grandparents' talking about that, it was just unbearably shitty. And right after that the dickhead Meciar's era... =_= Bleeeh. Even typing his name makes me sick.
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At the party there was an annoying man who was telling me for366789 times to stop reading & let me be introduced to all the Art Directors & vice versa.
My mother could do nothing better than telling all people around that I want to study Communication Design in Malaysia. >_> WTF!!!!!
Suddenly I feel like studying Fashion Design. =_= Duh~~ Ehehe. :P
My right earlobe is again a bit inflamated....eeehhh....not good. =_= What if I spontaneously buy some white golden earrings in Chanthaburi on Xmas (as a gift from myself 2 myself) & won't be able to wear it?! A disaster. *sniff* :P
Oh shit. 12.03am & my mother is still drinking at that party & she doesn't have the keys SO I must be awake until she bothers to come. I'm gonna skip the 0th class, maybe the 1st one too, tsk, who cares. >_> Damn Maths. I REALLY must study it.... =_= I'm expecting to get like 3% from that. Analytical geometry my ass!!!!! I have no idea abt it. @_#
This has been a VERY PISSED OFF ENTRY full of RANTS, I know I know. Suffer reading. Ha! *evil laughter*
Listening to: "คนที่เธอรักกับคนที่รักเธอ" by Brothers from the album "Together With Love". That's some Thai band of which I know nothing only that one dude there is very very cute & according to Pui his name is "June". :P ^^ See see ----> *likes the pic muchos* Cuuuuuuuttteee!!!! *___* ^___^

CUTE & FUNNY. ^^;;; I love the alphabet it's so kool. :D
Yay!: The only yayness of today was the eyeliner & chat with Pom. He never fails to make me laugh, I dunno how he does that. :P Probably he's on the same gila-lenght (gila wavelenght) as me. XD
Grrrr: Grrr to Chinese in Tibet. Grrr to party. Grrr to Maths. Grrr to myself still not changing the plants' soil. Shit shit. Grrrr to tmr's 0th class. Looking like a boxed panda is NOT nice. Aaarrgghhh. Failing a bit test is NOT nice too. Tolong!!!!! O_O
RANDOM WISH: I wish....I were drinking bubble tea on a beach in Thailand or Malaysia. I also wish I could understand the whole analytical geometry out of sudden. *sigh* -_-
I guess their "ego" is the problem and it could be also partly because of the "karma" brought by cause and conditions? :)
That sounds very likely!!! And Heather, thanks for coming here! ^__^
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