Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Finallyyyyyyyyyy here!!! ^__^

SORRY!!!!!!!! My net got ducked up... I couldn't access anythong. At first at least the ICQ was okay, but then even *that* got ducked up and I was abso-ducking-lutely lost.
No access to MSN.
No access to ICQ.
No access to my e-mail.
No access to uni websites which I needed a lot as I'm completing my application for the University of Fine Arts in BA now.
Well, the application is almost done, I just have to get my (awful) grades get signed by the headprof, get the stamp from my doctor that I'm a healthy ducky suitabooble for any uni and pay the entrance exams fee of 1200 Sk.

I should go liao, it's almost 00.30am.... I slept just VEEERY little last night and therefore I was cursing like 50 drunk pirates today. Hahaha.


Ain't that amazing? :D

More later!
Good night! ^^

Listening to: "No Snitchin'" by Chamilionaire
Yay!: Got 2 nice tops. Saw Borat & Devil Wears Prada. FINALLY! ^^
Grrr: It's just ME whom is UJ treating like a complete %&*^%%**^%!!! That must be from his undying, secret love for me. Or if not, I'm gonna cut of his d!ck. MWAHAHAHA!!!!

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