Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back in BRAtislava!!! ^___^

I'm glad to be here again, dear duckies.
I'm glad to be able to go eat Sacher Torte at Café Mayer & drink a smooth black tea.
I'm glad to be able to go to Grandes Melones (YEAH, again!!!) and have a delicious non-alco Chill On The Sun cocktail with mango, lime & blahblah.
I'm glad to be back in my room & listen to Mary J. Blige & be logged into ICQ and into MSN (I'm "appear offline", sorry la~).

But anyways, it was also great at Alan's cottage. ^^

The guys were drinking, getting drunk & then throwing up. EEEEWWWWW!!!!!!
Rum, vodka, beer, wine....
Minus points to all of them, maybe except of Miso who didn't drink that much.

Me & Seki were having a good non-alco time & on our last day there we made a yummylicious salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, olive oil, garlic, thyme, lavender & oregano. VEERY good!!!! ^^

Oh yes, and Miso was cooking. Like really cooking!!!! *faints* O_O Many plus points to this boy, I'm seriously impoopressed. Guys who can cook are SOMETHONG. Wow!!!! :D

After this cottage outing I went to Piešťany and there I drew an interior. It's not finished yet, maybe today I'll be working on it more, but so far it looks pretty good. ^^ I'm not too sure about some angles there but PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT and I believe in myself in this, I think I can make it. ^^

Cenfad & yummy Korean food is calling meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~
The sales!!!
The parks!!!
The Korean dramas on TV!!!
The warm weather all year round!!!
The sea.................................................................... *orgasmic sigh*
The cheap electronics!!!


Nothong I want is cheap. O_O Poor my future boyfriend!

This entry is very random. I know. ._.

And I have a thing to ask:

Please, if you're a student of Cenfad, Kuala Lumpur or you've studied there - please, email me at or leave a comment here and I'll contact you with BILLIONS of QUESTIONS about it.

Thank you very much.......... ^__^
Time to think about my future. Heh.


Artwork, consisting of 1 self-portrait, 1 collage and 2 drawings from observation. Report card of grades from last two years at Secondary School (if available)

Someone please tell me why I'm drawing interiors when they aren't even required at Cenfad. WAHAHAHA!!!! XD Okay, but I think they're required at Parsons NYC & that's where I'll be sending my portfolio too not hoping for too much.


Tommorrow I'll finish my interior and start a collage, I promise so. ^^

And a lil' materialistic ending....

5 things I want and don't dare to ask for them:

  • black iPod nano 2GB
  • DSC-H2 cam
  • Kenzoki body lotion
  • a better webcam
  • that cute white tennis skirt at Adidas' for over 2000Skk

And oppa is sending me Rain's 3rd CD, SG Wannabe's 3rd CD and Stairway To Heaven DVD. ^___^ I LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!

Listening to: "Enough Cryin" by MJB
Yay!: I think tmr I'm going to call that tennis dude at Koliba. I have nothong to do anythongways. :)
Grrr: Why can't my father understand that I DO LIKE taking pics & that I DO NEED a good cam?! T__T


Anonymous said...

SAYANGKU WIFE!!!You are back!!!Yayyy!!!Welpoop back!!Hubooby has missed wife and her cocolicious glittery thongs so very much laaa!!! :D How ya quacking?We must quack on msn sooooooooon!!!Even duckman is backkkk!!!!

OoOOo hubooby is still looking for the IPOD for wife la...when he finds one...he will tell her. :) A friend of his got it for less than $200 Singapore dollars.That is pretty cheap!!So he will go look for em!


POOOOOOOOOOOOOP ON!!!!!! :) *big squishy berbulu hugggzzzzzzz*

Ducky Mia said...

YAAAAY hubooooooby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TERIMA POOPSIH for looking for the iPOd for me!!!!!!!!!!! *____*
Wife is soooo thankful cuz here it's rather expoopensive...8000Skk!! EEEKKK!!!

Yaay, wife missed you too la! I'll be on MSN soon!!!!

DUCK ON, CINTAKUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______________________^
*huuuuge cocoliciously glittery HUGGGZZZ*